Dive Boat - Obsession II

Obsession II is a custom built Ridged Inflatable Boat (RIB) by Ribtec based on their sucsessfull 700 design. She was part of the largest order of RIBs ever commisioned in the UK, one of 60 ordered for the 2000 Camel Trophy. Costing in excess of £40,000 new, no expense was spared in constructing these RIBs and no RIBs have ever been so highly specified. She really is the ultimate RIB.
Obsession II is powered by a massive 130hp 4 stroke Honda engine, designed to cope with the huge demands of both inshore and offshore sea conditions. Mounted below the glass reinforced deck are two fuel tanks, with a 400 Litre capacity, bringing the onboard total to a massive 505 litres. With such an immense fuel capacity, she can easily handle long distance cruising without the need for fuel stops.
An integral roll cage is fitted to hold and store the extensive range of sporting equipment that came with the boat, however these have now been replaced with diving equipment, and she has also been fitted with a the new 12volt surface fed diving system.
This fast and maneuverable RIB is ideal for the Halsewell diving, she can be on the dive site within 10 minutes of leaving Swanage Pier and divers can be in the water 5 minutes later. When limited dive time is available this craft is a must for these conditions. It can be navigated close to the cliff face this is a big help when you need to avoid a long swim in. The down side is the usual for a RIB, no sharp tools, no motor water pumps etc.