Dive Boat - Cave Cave

Up until late September 2000, Cave Cave was the main dive and support boat to Seadart /Halsewell Archaeological divers. During the storms of that September Cave Cave broke her moorings in Swanage bay and was driven out to sea, the winds and tide then drove her onto the rocks where she was wrecked on the cliffs at Ballard, a point between Swanage and Poole. The result being a total loss.
The ferocity of the waves left Cave Cave high and dry after the storm, tossing her some 8ft clear of the water line. Upside down and the stern section missing, many items were lost in the wrecking include all the diving records for that seasons dive operations on the Halsewell as well as some personal diving equipment. A life belt from Cave Cave was found on the Isle of Wight 18 miles away.
Cave Cave was a hard hull boat which prior to becoming Seadarts main dive boat was used as a commercial charter fishing boat, taking parties of fishermen out to local fishing grounds. Her open rear deck proved ideal for diving operations with plenty of room for several divers to organise their kit and get ready in comfort. With a forward cabin and recently fitted with a surface fed air supply system before her loss she proved a great asset. She is sadly missed and fondly remembered.
Point to remember: The sea takes no prisoners.