Treasure Sales - Musket Barrel

Shipwreck Treasure from the East Indiaman Halsewell - Wrecked on the Dorset Coast UK in 1786.
Guide Price £125.00 GBP ($230.00.US).
All serious offers will be considered.Item Details:
- Brass Musket Barrel.
- Dated: 1700's.
- Proof Marked: British
- Weight: 1.25kg.
- Length: 380mm.
A full Certificate Of Authenticity is issued with this item, signed by the recovering diver and on behalf of the Salvor.
It is beleived that this brass musket barrel may have been part of the ships cargo as it was found with another barrel but with no other musket parts, such as trigger guards, ram rod tubes and other metal attachments, which one would expect to find in the same area had they been complete muskets. Being a part of the cargo is made more plausable as the East India Company stationed its own Army in India and these barrels could well have been replacement parts for this Army.

For details of shipping and insurance coast or any other information regarding this coin, please email enquiries to: admin@seadart.net.