Treasure Sales - Rupee & Mohur

Shipwreck Treasure from the East Indiaman Halsewell - Wrecked on the Dorset Coast UK in 1786.
Guide Price £625.00 GBP ($1,150.00.US) Sold as a pair.
Mohur Details:
- Gold Mohur.
- Dated: 1190ab (1776AD).
- Minted: Murshidbad, India.
- Weight: 12.4g.
- Diameter: 22mm.

Rupee Details:
- Silver Rupee.
- Dated: 1775 to 1785.
- Minted: Banaras Mint, India.
- Weight: 10g.
- Diameter: 21mm.
A full Certificate Of Authenticity is issued with this coin, signed by the recovering diver and on behalf of the Salvor.
These two coins are the only ones of their type to be recovered from the Halsewell wreck site. As they are not considered general currency for the period, it is assumed that they were personal effects of crew members obtained on previous voyages to India.

All numbers and letters are readable on both sides of both coins. These coins will make a good addition to any collection. Please note that one side of the Gold Mohur coin has a small nitch and the coin overall has a slight bow, although these points do not detract from its overall fine condition.
The coin details have been collected through much research and discussions with coin experts. It is , to our knowledge as accurate as possible. However, if you know different or could pass on additional information please let us know.
If the images show the coins upside down we apologise for this error, as we are in the dark as to which way round they should be.
For details of shipping and insurance coast or any other information regarding these coins, please email enquiries to: admin@seadart.net.